The last day before graduation, it is a day with combined with class and having fun
From 8am, students took the class "Global Economic Environment" with Dr. Curt Grimm.
早上8点,Dr. Curt Grimm给同学们讲授了《全球经济环境》。
In the afternoon, it was a Lunch & Job Negociation Session lead by our Vice Dean Joyce Russell.
中午,同学们参加了一个由史密斯商学院副院长Joyce Russell主持的“工作谈判午餐会”。
After the lunch session students traveled to Washington D.C. to visit the Brookings Institution, the think tank of the United States, and listened to a speech offered by David Dollar, Senior Fellow with the Foriegn Policy and Global Economy and Development Program at the John L. Thornton China Center.
午餐过后,同学们再次乘大巴到华盛顿参观美国的智库——布鲁金斯学会。在这里听到了John L. Thornton中国中心,外交政策与全球经济发展项目高级研究员David Dollars先生别开生面的演讲。
In the Evening, the students visited Capital Hill guided by ex-senator, Steven Bartlett.
傍晚,同学们在前国会议员Steven Bartlett的带领下参观了国会山。
On the way back to College Park no one was sleeping. It will be a sleepless night because tomorrow will be the BIG DAY!