5月7日,Howard University大学,奥巴马指出了美国社会中依然存在的种族问题,但同时也说明当今是最好的时代。
演讲中提到的Lorraine Vivian Hansberry 则是一位美国作家,是第一位将剧本搬上百老汇舞台的黑人女作家。知名作品包括描述种族隔离时期黑人女性生活状况的 A Raisin in the Sun。
5月15日,奥巴马在Rutgers University,主要以鼓励为主。
Fortunately, your generation has everything it takes to lead this country toward a brighter future. I’m confident that you can make the right choices—away from fear and division and paralysis, and toward cooperation and innovation and hope. Now, partly, I’m confident because, on average, you’re smarter and better educated than my generation—although we probably had better penmanship—and were certainly better spellers. We did not have spell-check back in my day. You’re not only better educated, you’ve been more exposed to the world, more exposed to other cultures. You’re more diverse. You’re more environmentally conscious. You have a healthy skepticism for conventional wisdom.
Now in a two-hour movie, you get a handful of character-defining moments, but in real life, you face them every day. Life is one strong, long string of character-defining moments. And I was lucky that at 18 I knew what I exactly wanted to do. But I didn’t know who I was. How could I? And how could any of us? Because for the first 25 years of our lives, we are trained to listen to voices that are not our own. Parents and professors fill our heads with wisdom and information, and then employers and mentors take their place and explain how this world really works.
5月6日,他来到Northeastern University 发表了演讲。要点幽默的鸡汤+川普躺枪。
她在Johnson C. Smith University发表一段激情四射的演讲,她分享自己的经历,鼓舞与激励着毕业生们。
Every stumble is not a fall, and every fall does not mean failure. Being human means you will make mistakes. And you will make mistakes, because failure is God’s way of moving you in another direction.
桑德伯格今年出现在了UC Berkeley的毕业典礼现场,她在演讲中提到了自己已故的丈夫Dave,以及丈夫去世后的心路历程,并直言这段经历让她更加坚韧,更有勇气。(关于这篇演讲的完整稿,尼采分享过专题哦,点击这里回顾)
I’m sharing this with you in the hopes that today, as you take the next step in your life, you can learn the lessons that I only learned in death. Lessons about hope, strength, and the light within us that will not be extinguished.